Conversations of Impact – Impact Leadership 

As a part of our Conversations of Impact – Local to Global series, we are delighted to introduce the third event in the series, titled Impact Leadership.

Bringing together a panel of social entrepreneurs, we will be discussing Impact Leaders & Leadership, those who create a positive impact and change in society. The impact people can have through effective leadership, the importance of role models and discussion on diverse leadership along with placing ego aside for more impactful leadership.


Breda O’ Dwyer – Head of CEED and Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurial Learning and Practice

Breda O’Dwyer (BBS, MBA, PhD, NCEE Fellow in Entrepreneurship, Harvard University Certificate in Problem Based Learning). Developing the entrepreneurial mind-set to lead and enable the seamless integration between academia, research, policy and practice towards Regional Development, Growth and Sustainability. Breda is founder and Head of CEED – leading regions through Innovation, Design and Transformation. She is VP for Education and Practitioner Learning with ISBE and sits on a number of public and private boards.

Daragh Forde, Craig Kelly – The Ability Board

The Ability Board is a Social Enterprise which enables companies to be more confident in engaging with people of different abilities within their working environment, opening peoples’ minds to the value people of different abilities can contribute to our collective gain, creating true inclusive working environments.

The Ability Board are educating society and employers about the importance and benefits of employing people with different abilities. It was created by the community to help itself with the difficult challenges their daily experience encounters. Led by its President, Craig Kelly, it’s board members and Job Coach (Daragh Forde), it was formed from people of the different abilities community in order to help themselves and their peers.

Dr Rob Worrall, Director, Rob Worrall Consultancy Ltd

Expertise in leader and leadership development, intra and inter-organisational collaboration, creativity, innovation and working with conflict and complex systemic challenges in public, private and not for profit sectors.

Rob is an award winning and highly experienced academic, researcher and consultant in leadership, collaboration and innovation, working at levels from emerging leaders to Board level. Rob has designed and developed leader and leadership development programmes specifically across the public, private and not for profit sectors.

His cutting-edge and evidence-based collaborative PhD research and practice on place-based leadership development (P-BLD), has been highly impactful in developing the collaborative capability of local leaders working on complex challenges such as urban violence in Kenya, Uganda and Guatemala.

Watch the Conversations of Impact event below

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